The PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya Jhunjhunu came into existence in 1986 under the Ministry of Education. Initially It was started in the campus of famous Rani Shakti Temple and ran for about seven years there and then shifted to the present location-own building-in Sept.,1992. It is running as Civil Sector school. The Vidyalaya is affiliated to the Central Board Secondary Education (CBSE). The School having classes from I-XII with Science, Commerce & Humanities streams presently. As a member of the elite Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan(KVS), KV Jhunjhunu aims at providing quality education, commensurate with the standard set by the organization for these pace setting institutions. KV Jhunjhunu Campus has open & spacious area with special well-maintained grounds of national standards for games and sports activity, Green Gardens, well ventilated Class-rooms, Science Labs with all necessary equipments, Computer labs with computers of latest configuration & e-Classrooms having LCD projector, Digital Presenter, Interactive Panels, I-Pads etc. and have other Activity Rooms.
PM Shri KV Jhunjhunu has been actively engaged in the earnest pursuit of educating the children and nurturing them into grown up proud and confident citizens of the country. It is an earnest endeavor of this Vidyalaya to develop the all-round personality of the students and to impart in them a feeling of responsibility towards their lives. Our aim is to develop those qualities in our students which would make them well behaved, cultured, confident, honest and co-operative children.