Students Achievements
Miss Kanishka Thathera of Class XII-Commerce of this Vidyalaya have secured 82.60% in cbse Class XII 2023-24 and topped the Commerce Stream in the Vidyalaya.

Kanishka Thathera
Miss Khushboo Godara of Class XII-Science of this Vidyalaya have secured 92.80% in cbse Class XII 2023-24 and topped the Science Stream and got 2nd rank in the Vidyalaya.

Khushboo Godara
Miss Deepti of Class XII-Arts of this Vidyalaya have secured 97.20% in cbse Class XII 2023-24 and topped the Vidyalaya and Arts Stream.

Miss Chesta Choudhary of this Vidyalaya have secured 96.80% in cbse Class X 2023-24 and topped the Vidyalaya.

Chesta Choudhary
PM Shri KV Jhunjhunu
Vidyalaya got 100% result in both the Classes X and XII in the Session 2023-24 with good PI. The credit goes to all the teachers of the Vidyalaya.
100% result in both the Classes X and XII